There is immense privilege in being connected to individuals on a daily basis. And as a practice watching the trend of how we process massive collective stress. You might think that as a chiropractor I’m only paying attention to the physical, but if you know me and my...
I really could name this post KISS (Keep It Simple Silly). When people ask me what else they need to be doing, a LOT of times its not sexy, or fancy, its back to the boring old basics. Just like a plant. I hope this...
Here is the thing… its always easier to commit to doing something than to get off the couch or out of bed and actually do it when its time… right? Here is my 5 minute rule that a patient recently reminded me was super helpful to...
New Years is barely behind us and already many are rethinking their lofty goals. Or maybe you started but fell off. Or maybe like the majority, you have given up on New Year’s Resolutions. Whether you make resolutions at the start of the new year or at another...
Once again, we have found a winner in our house! This is January’s recipe share. This was made by a friend of ours and the kids liked it so much that she gave them some more to eat again later! I even used it as a warm breakfast for myself one morning. There is...
I wrote this one morning earlier in December when I had a moment to collect my thoughts on where we have been in 2020, all of the people who fill my world and my practice, and what I wish for you all. I look forward to being part of your journey in 2021! My Wish For...